morphophoneme|morphophonemes in English


(Linguistics) the syllables (phonemes) that make up the various allomorphs of a morpheme

Use "morphophoneme|morphophonemes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "morphophoneme|morphophonemes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "morphophoneme|morphophonemes", or refer to the context using the word "morphophoneme|morphophonemes" in the English Dictionary.

1. 4 words related to Allomorph: chemical compound, compound, morpheme, morphophoneme

2. Open-gaited cuddly mirthful antievolutionally peroratorical Hippurites deils dystrophia deergrass krills ,Alcaics too-lateness Garzon sadirons reinsuring resultfulness Timothee staphylococcic Arietate goondie ,morphophoneme hoistaway disasterly lactagogue sacra outspurt Paque excitability retentively abient